Estimate Highs + Lows


In absolutely fantastic news, we got to see the estimate for the house on 9/22 — YES!!! And while it still needs a few tweaky things here and there for subs that weren’t in town or able to get in their new estimates in time, we gave the big thumbs up and said YES!!!

Let’s move forward and build this thing. Super excited and back on the building highs and excited about the project again!! Time to look at Houzz and get re-excited all over again + thinking about tiles + furniture + who’s coming over first as soon as we move in!

All we have to do is the finishing touches to the plans + permitting paperwork + submit for permits. Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy right??? Lickety split this will be in the works + we’ll be clearing the lot in no time.

<INSERT Sierra’s Favorite Sound Effect> DUN DUN DUN!!!

Flash forward till today, Monday 9/30. No news yet on the finalized plans, that we need to have to submit for permits (and to start the month long timeline in motion again for our little beach town to review and approve the plans before we can clear the lot + start this house).

Omgosh, I know I know. It’s only been a week, but seriously….