Well the house finally looks normal sized and we aren’t worried about it being tiny, so it makes sense that we moved onto worrying about our itty bitty pool.
We knew the pool would always be pretty tight back there and had been banking on a 14 foot by 30 foot pool in the back. Plain old rectangle pool, nothing fancy, simple + modern. Steps the full 14 foot side so it would give lots of entry + sitting space.
Then the pool guy told us it had to be no more than 26 feet long. AHHHH. WHAT? With the steps taking up almost 5 feet, that would get to be short.
So we thought a ton about it and marked the pool out in the dirt. We flipped the shallow and the deep end of the pool. (This did NOT make it easier by the way because when we moved the deep end closer to the house, it was too close to the footers of the house so we had to shorter it more!)
Finally we ended up with this design and we are pretty excited about our tiny pool + non-hot tub sitting area!
No worries for future owners, we’ll plumb it and add electrical so someone can add a heater later on down the line. But for us, its just a tiny pool to sit and enjoy happy hour while the girls swim and play ??
Or more likely it will end up being a pool for the girls to bring all their tiny toys and ponies into and they will create some sort of amazing underwater world where they all live.